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X-Level International

(The Gray Thesis)


Thesis: “a statement or theory that is put forward as a premise to be maintained or proved.”

“I can’t because…”



“How can I?”


It is the choice between these two statements that determines the trajectory of an entire lifetime. Challenges will come with the certainty of seasons, yet with the unpredictability of storms. It is the attitude (gray matter) thesis, however, that remains constantly in one’s own control, and ultimately decides the outcome. The late and great Stephen Hawking, and many others, serve as practical examples of this concept in action.

That being said, nowhere is it written that the journey of personal development must be taken in a vacuum. Much like a marathon, each of us is competing with many other people, against ourselves. The finish line isn’t going anywhere, and there are no points for finishing a few paces before or after the next person. Furthermore, it’s generally frowned on to elbow your neighbor in the face just to do so. Thus, we arrive at what the gray thesis is all about—collaborative personal development.

Far too often we are influenced by our environment. This makes changing one’s habits problematic. The simple solution then is to change, or at least alter, the environment. DMware’s X-Level seeks to accomplish this by bringing together a diverse group of people, from different cultures, and different backgrounds, with different views, skills, strengths, and connections, all leveraged to aid each individual group member in achieving the same or similar personal goals.


1.     Sign Up

DM X @DMware_ or IG @DMware4 or email info@dmware.fun with your:

    • First Name
    • Main Goal(s) (you can have more than one, but generally less is more)
    • Country of Origin
    • Interest/Hobbies

2.     Meet your Win Team

Win Teams will be assembled (~6 members per team), and made as diverse as possible with respect to nationality in order to yield the richest possible pool of perspectives, ideas, and talent. Goals are grouped into 3 general categories: Enrichment & Mastery (learning/improving a new skill, e.g. a language, instrument, deep learning construct etc.), Fitness Transformation (stronger, faster, leaner), Productivity Transformation (being more efficient, wasting less time, getting more done). By keeping the groups small and using dedicated chat rooms (next), natural, lasting friendships can be formed easily.

DMware will randomly select one teammate to set up that Win team’s dedicated Discord server (done this way for the sake of decentralization and customization). It’s super easy, taking only a few clicks, and less than 5 minutes. Check out the how-to video below if you need help.


3.     Participate

Win team meetings should be conducted weekly, though of course you can, and are encouraged to, chat with your new friends as often as you like.

The first meeting should consist of introductions, and the first round of “Define & Conquer” (D&C) statements. D&C statements consist of: (1) main goal you want to achieve for that week, and (1) supplementary (i.e. aiding) goal. For example: a Fitness Transformation Win Team member may set a primary weekly goal of running 1 mile a day, no matter what, and a supplemental goal of not eating any sweets during that time.

In addition to the statements, each team member should also list out what obstacles may get in the way of these stated goals, and what steps they can take to proactively deal with said obstacles. 

Each team member is encouraged to review each other’s D&C statements in their entirety, and offer constructive feedback in the form of advice, insights, and encouragement where possible (hence the point of being in a team).

Subsequent weekly meets should consist of the following:

Accountability check-in of each member’s previous D&C statements. Each member grades their own performance in the following manner:

    • Successful completion of both main and supplementary goals = 5 stars.
    • Successful completion of main goal, but a slip of the supplementary goal = 4 stars.
    • Successful completion of main goal, but failing the supplementary goal by ½ or more = 3 stars.
    • Accomplishing at least 75%, but less than 100% of main goal = 2 stars.
    • Accomplishing less than 75% of main goal = 1 star.

Obviously, this works on the honor system. You can lie if you like, buy you’re only cheating yourself, and manipulating your international circle of friends that are there to help you—pretty pointless and shitty.

Members should share and explain their self-score with their team. The team should then review each member’s score, and offer positive feedback—not judgment.

Each member’s scores are then averaged together, and reported back to DMware with that teams chosen collective handle.

A new round of D&C statements are issued for the coming week.

The team is then encourage to discuss that week’s “Words of Wisdom” (to be provided by DMware in the form of an except, quote, or shout-out).

Any other personal challenges, goings-on, or other such life events should also be discussed within the team to the extent each member feels comfortable (these are suppose to be your friends after all).

4.     Story Time (optional):

For those especially motivated teams, there is an opportunity to go a step further. Win Teams with a collective monthly score of at least 4, but less than 5 (silver teams), and those with a perfect 5/5 (gold teams), are eligible to submit Triumphs. These are short, metaphorical representations of how that team has destroyed obstacles in their way, and reached X-Level for that month. Submissions are voted on by the larger community, and the winners (one silver, one gold) get a shout-out, their legacy immortalized, and free merch. Details to follow for those interested.


So the question is: are you ready to make some new friends on multiple continents, and have globally reaching connections to help you dominate life, or are you good? If it’s the former, what are you waiting for?




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